Top 5 Essential Oils & DIY Allergy Relief Home Remedies

These are the days. The days many of us have been patiently waiting for through winter. The days when we can get outside and enjoy beautiful weather. It’s when children come outside to play. When people get out to walk their dogs more and go to parks. It just feels so good. So good to get out of our stuffy houses or even just open the windows to let in fresh air. For me, time spent outdoors lightens my soul and gives me an energized youthfulness inside.

And it’s no wonder! There’s scientific research to back it up. Being outdoors reduces stress and blood pressure. It increases endorphin levels and dopamine production leading to an increased mood. Vitamin D is provided by the sun, which also increases our moods. There’s just this amazing happiness provided by the outdoors that can’t be found anywhere else. It makes me feel like this little girl.

But pollen is high this time of year. Sadly, many of us simply watch from indoors with windows closed or buy expensive medications that only last a few weeks, at most. Do you dread even going outside because of your allergies? I feel for you. I really do. Staying indoors would ransack my drive and steal my joy. I don’t know about you, but I count on this time of year to pick me back up after the long dreary winter. It’s not like we all haven’t had to do enough of that in the last year. Am I right?!

So, a friend of mine who struggles with allergies asked me, “Mary, what kind of things would you use if you were struggling with allergies right now?” Right away my mind went back to the basics. Lemon, Lavender & Peppermint. They have such an amazing synergistic effect. Together, they smell just amazing. Not only do they provide allergy defense but they also have additional benefits you can read about further down. So hang tight.

Did you know Lemon, Lavender & Peppermint are natural antihistamines?

Lemon, Lavender & Peppermint are all 3 natural antihistamines! Combining the three together is like an allergy fighting super power and they complement each other well. Not only can they help get rid of those pesky allergies but they can also leave you feeling refreshed, calm and uplifted. What allergy medication can do that?

If you would prefer to listen to Lemon, Lavender & Peppermint content here is a handy video:

Natural Remedies for Allergies

How do you use essential oils for allergies?

There are a few ways you could use Lemon, Lavender & Peppermint to help you with your allergies:

  • You could simply put two drops of each in a capsule and take it internally (If they are Therapeutic Grade Oils)
  • You could put two drops of each and a small amount of water and shot glass it
  • You could put two drops of each in an essential oil diffuser. (That’s a really easy way to use the three together.)
  • Another way, if you’re out and about, you can put a drop of each in the palm of your hand, rub it together and inhale.
  • You could make a rollerball of those three oils with a carrier oil and roll that on your wrist or someplace where you can stop and smell it.

Why are these the best natural remedy for allergies?

Those are a few ways to use Lemon, Lavender & Peppermint. When you struggle with allergies, the cells in your body overreact to pollens and other things in your environment. With Lemon, Lavender & Peppermint they desensitize your body to some of these allergens, and they help to calm your body’s inflammatory response. Why have your body work overtime if it doesn’t have to?

So why are Lemon, Lavender and Peppermint so effective for allergies?

  • Lemon has a cleansing effect on the body and the body systems and it helps the respiratory system work a little better.
  • Lavender has a calming effect, which between the cleansing and the calming, now you have kind of a balancing effect going on.
  • Peppermint opens those airways and makes it a little easier to breathe and helps the respiratory function work a little better.

Together Lemon, Lavender & Peppermint are amazing at cleansing the body system and protecting against the body from being overreactive. That’s often what’s happening in allergy season, your body has so many things coming at it and it overreacts. Lemon, Lavender & Peppermint work synergistically to help calm that reaction and keep your body from doing so. These oils also help your body to cleanse so it’s not continually feeling so bombarded.

What other combination of oils can I diffuse for allergy relief?

And that group of essential oils are Eucalyptus, Peppermint, Melaleuca (Tea Tree) and Lemon.

Best Essential Oils for Overall Allergy Relief

This group of essential oils that work really well for allergies or, actually, anytime pollens are high. Maybe you’ve been exposed to dust or mold and you’re having a hard time getting a little extra oxygenation. You just need a little something to be able to breathe easier, for example, at night or any time you need to open up your airways a bit.

These 5 oils are so helpful when used to clear sinuses and relieve nasal congestion and here’s why…

  • Eucalyptus is one of the most popular and effective essential oils for nasal congestion. It has substances that can act on the receptors present in the nasal cavity. As a result, your stuffy nose is relieved and breathing becomes easier.
  • Peppermint commonly used to ease a stuffy nose. The effectiveness of this essential oil is due to its high menthol contents.
  • Lavender has anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and analgesic effects. Lavender can also ease other discomforts such as a sore throat, headache, and fever.
  • Frankincense Because of its anti-inflammatory properties, frankincense is another natural product you can use to relieve a stuffy nose. This potent oil can also reduce phlegm build-up and ease a headache.
  • Rosemary has anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial properties that can help treat clogged airways and respiratory infections.

The easiest way to use them is to put them in a diffuser. I would probably use a little more of Eucalyptus, Peppermint, and Lemon than of Melaleuca. You can play with the mix and see what smells the best to you. I believe these essential oils actually smell better together than separately. Use whatever method works best for you to get back to enjoying life!

The most common causes of an allergic reaction include:

  • Pollen
  • Dust
  • Mold
  • Insect stings
  • Animal dander
  • Food
  • Medications
  • Latex

How do you get rid of seasonal allergies fast?

Essential oils may be used as an alternative or complementary treatment for allergy symptoms. They’re derived from plants and can be used in a variety of ways. They’ve been proven safe and effective. Below are the best ways to getting more out of your springtime as quickly as possible.

Popular ways to use essential oils include:

  • diffusing them into the air
  • using them in bath and spa products
  • applying them to the skin when diluted
  • spraying them into the air
  • breathing them in directly from the container

Another way these essential oils are effective is to put 10 drops of each in a rollon bottle and make your own roller ball. You could then apply them to your wrist or your neck or maybe your chest at night. Actually anytime you need a little extra oxygenation. That group of essential oils is also great if you’re going to exercise and you want to help your oxygenation a little bit. Below you’ll find a helpful video showing you how to make your own roller ball. Or as I like to call it an Essential Oil Allergy Bomb!

Another way you could use that group of essential oils is to put a sink full of hot water and put some of those drops in and then make a tent over your head with a towel. That way you can take advantage of the aromatic vapor they produce. Those essential oils also provide a soothing, calming effect.

Other natural remedies to alleviate your allergies

Some of the things that you can do in your everyday life that will help with allergies is:

  • First of all, you want to identify the things that trigger your allergies the most and to try to avoid those.
  • Another would be to buy local honey.

As far as what you are eating – try eating foods in season that grow in your local area. This can help desensitize your body to some of the local triggers.

Closing doors and windows when you have a family member mowing the yard. This is a huge one because mowing seems to stir up allergens into the air that the wind carries into your house.

My own daughter’s allergies had gotten to such a point that she had to use inhalers and we didn’t like that. So we started using Lemon, Lavender & Peppermint. Additionally, we also used the mix mentioned above with peppermint and eucalyptus, in a diffuser, in her room at night. Those 2 things helped to open up her airways and put off the use of medications as much as possible. If you’re already in a state where your allergies are acting up, some of those essential oils can help to open your airway and get better oxygenation.

These things won’t cure the allergy. You still have to figure out what the irritating factor is. These things are simply giving your body the tools to do the hard work. Sometimes, you may not always be able to remove medications completely. Oftentimes, if you have multiple allergic reactions occurring try to remove the worst triggers. This will help your body calm down and have fewer allergic reactions, fortifying your immune system.

What can you do to fortify your immune system during allergy season?

To fortify your immune system, cruciferous vegetables are really important. That’s cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, kale. Vitamin C-laden fruits are really good – so berries, oranges and lemons. These are also antioxidant-rich foods.

Make Your Own Essential Oil Allergy Bomb

Use these oils you have learned so much about – Lemon, Lavender & Peppermint:

There’s also a unique way of making your own herbal tincture by collecting local plants that are edible. I have a friend, Dr. Jerry Petermann, who made a video on this that I will share with you.

Dr Petermann explains

Do It Yourself – Natural DIY Allergy Remedy

Some Additional Essential Oils Sometimes Used for Allergies

Information about these can be found in an article on Aromatherapy Press

Additional natural remedy supplements used for allergies

  • Tri-Ease is an easy-to-take softgel of lemon, lavender and peppermint essential oils. It cleanses the body’s systems and protects against seasonal and environmental elements.
  • D-Hist a combination of Vitamin C, Quercetin Dihydrate, Stinging Nettle (Leaves), Bromelain (from Pineapple), N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine USP. It is a great natural remedy to decrease inflammation in nasal and sinus passageways.

I hope this has been helpful in your day. It’s springtime! Get out there and enjoy this weather and don’t let those pesky allergies hold you back. Until next time, Be well!

About the author

We are here to help you find better health with the use of Natural Solutions.

*The Articles on this site is for educational purposes only. We make no medical claims. These statements have not been evaluated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Take at your own risk.
