Last Thursday 12/16/2021 Randall & I went to our Real Estate Investor’s group. It is great to go to these meetings. We always come away with having learned so much. This particular meeting was a collaboration with another great organization, 1 Million Cups. One Million Cups is about encouraging entrepreneurs.
At the event were vendor booths that we could walk around and learn more about local businesses. One of the booths was Focus on the 5. It was cool to meet the author of the book Ken Coleman. He even autographed a copy of his book for me.
It is a quick read and I’m learning so much. Mainly that I am not as strange as I thought I was 🙂 . He also has a few videos on YouTube. Here is a link to one of 2 videos: Ken Coleman FOT5 video 1 Even with all this information it is still not clear to me what area that I would fall into.
I have always felt in business you have to be willing and open to accept change. It seems that the minute you get comfortable and decide it is OK to continue to do things the way you always have you get passed up or passed by. I always thought being creative and coming up with new ways to do things was just part of that “embracing change” but maybe there is a little more to it than that.
Ken Coleman says that 5%’ers are those are the out-of-the-box thinkers, entrepreneurs are those people that make waves and change the world.
As I learn more from the book I’ll drop back over here and tell you more of what I have learned. It has seemed important to me recently that I begin to blog what things are of interest to me.
This is a picture of our very confused orange tree that decided to bloom in December.