How Much Coffee Is Too Much Coffee?

Hello, my friend. Today, we are going to talk about coffee and how much is too much coffee. It is a question that is often asked.

Let’s just define what moderate intake is

How Much Coffee is too Much coffee
  • 2 to 3 – 8 oz cups per day
  • High amounts of coffee are 4 or more 8 oz cups per day

Working at night as a nurse I was an extreme coffee drinker. I would literally keep a cup of coffee continually re-filled all shift long.

We made it strong to get the most out of it.

It left me dragging, actually, causing adrenal burnout. These large amounts of coffee took a tole on my digestive system and caused uncomfortable stomach problems.

So, today we want to talk about what happens when you drink too much coffee. We will even go into some details and compare the caffeine content of different drinks.

Currently, I only drink coffee occasionally and, when I do, it is in the morning and only in small amounts – no more than one 8 oz cup.

Mostly, because if I drink it every day I get dependent enough to cause withdrawal headaches when I don’t have it. If I consume it too late in the day it does affect my sleep, too.

A big negative effect that coffee has on your body is the depletion of Potassium

As a matter of a fact – they use blood potassium levels as an indicator of acute caffeine poisoning.

What happens to your body when you take in too much caffeine?

There is caffeine in many other things besides coffee such as sodas, sports drinks, tea, chocolate, etc…

Caffeine can increase the release of Catecholamines in your body. Catecholamines are inside the adrenal glands and are hormones and neurotransmitters like adrenaline, dopamine, GABA, nor-adrenaline. (For this article, we are going to just focus on one of these – Adrenaline). When you drink coffee you increase Adrenaline.

  1. When you increase Adrenaline you lose Potassium.
  2. You increase Sodium, affecting the ‘Sodium – Potassium pump’ (the electrical system of your body). These pumps run your nervous system, muscles contractions, and relaxation. 
  3. You need a lot of Potassium for that. You also need this pump for energy. So what your body does is move potassium from your blood into your cells so they can perform these “pump” activities.
  4. When you deplete Potassium it increases diuresis causing a loss of fluid in your body. In other words, caffeine acts as a diuretic – another way to lose Potassium.
  5. This can then trigger something called Respiratory Alkalosis. It causes your body to become more alkaline. When this happens you, again, lose Potassium.

What happens when you add sugar to your coffee?

It adds another layer of complexity because you spike insulin.

In order to utilize insulin, you will need Potassium to help with glucose storage in your liver and in your muscles as glycogen.

What are the things that happen to you when you are low on Potassium?

  • Fatigue & Heart Arrhythmias

If you are drinking a lot of coffee it is important to supplement with extra Potassium. The safest thing is to drink a small amount of coffee each day so your body can adjust to the demands that coffee puts on it.

A few tricks we have found to help decrease the uncomfortable stomach issues from drinking coffee is – to put a pinch of baking soda in your cup of coffee. If you are out and about you can put a shake of table salt to help just a little.


Let’s Compare the Caffeine of Coffee, Tea, Green Tea and a few other drinks

DrinkMg of Caffeine per cup
Coffee95 mg
Matcha Green Tea70 mg
Black Tea47 mg
Green Tea29 mg
Energy Drinks80 – 200 mg (Amounts Vary)
Read your labels carefully!

If you like those frothy coffee house coffees but don’t want all the calories or side effects from adding milk and sugar you may like this recipe for our Low Carb Power Coffee

We like the use of MCT oil in this coffee recipe because MCT oil converts into energy faster than glucose itself…but without the sugar rush. MCT is a really healthy form of coconut oil that nourishes the brain and helps us curb cravings for sweets.

Benefits of MCT in your morning brew

  • MCTs help burn three times more calories for six hours after a meal than other fats do
  • These fatty acids get metabolized more like a carbohydrate but without involving insulin. It provides INSTANT yet SUSTAINED ENERGY— woot! 
  • MCT oil converts into energy faster than glucose itself…but with no sugar rush and subsequent lull
  • It helps counteract the decreased energy production that results from aging
  • It lowers blood glucose and insulin levels and is an aid to diabetics or those in the category of having a tendency for prediabetes (which includes most of us over age thirty-five)
  • It helps suppress appetite
  • It is the LOWEST-CALORIE oil
  • It helps decrease body fat while at the same time increasing lean muscle mass

I hope this information has been helpful in your day. Subscribe below for our free give-a-way “5 Health Hacks YOU Need to Feel Better Fast.”
Until Next time – BE WELL!

Visit our Blog Post on Power Coffee and here are some of our favorite Coffee making Items:

About the author

We are here to help you find better health with the use of Natural Solutions.

*The Articles on this site is for educational purposes only. We make no medical claims. These statements have not been evaluated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Take at your own risk.
