My Why & Why Ask Nurse Mary…
If you are reading this you have been a follower of our Natural Solutions News for about a year. This year has been an amazing journey for me getting to know you better and learning to write about things that will help you in your day and on your journey to better health.
Recently someone that doesn’t know me very well ask me a question that because I have been into natural health so long I didn’t even think about needing to explain to people. You have been following me a long time so you know who I am but then there are some who don’t.
This new friend said to me you are a nurse – don’t nurses work in hospitals, give medications and follow doctor’s orders? Well, to be honest – yes most nurses do just that and to be perfectly honest that described my career as a nurse for a number of years. Some folks may be asking so what’s the deal, how does a nurse fit into the natural health world?
As you have probably noticed, I’m not like “those” nurses 🙂 No really though, we all start somewhere and anywhere we start in our lives or career is the experience for our future journey right?
I did hospital nursing for a couple of years but as soon as I got enough experience I went into home health. I loved home health – seeing patients in there own homes, where they were in their health needs. We dressed a lot of wounds, drew blood for lab work and did a lot of patient and family teaching.
It worried me though, I began to see this common thread though that really bothered me. Often the nurse was the one setting up medications for the week. One thing that bothered me is that those folks that were on more than about 3 medications were now being medicated for side-effects of other medications. This really bothered me and I felt like there had to be a better answer.
I did school nursing while my children were young and saw a big increase, over about 8 years, of how many medications children were taking. Even more scary than that, how many more child onset diabetics and severe allergies there are. I felt like there must be a better way, maybe it is what we are eating, maybe it is stress but we as a nation need to get to the bottom of this or the next generation is going to be where we will see the consequences. We don’t want to see our children and grandchildren suffer right? But what can one nurse do? Well, I can encourage one person at a time just like I have you. Encouraging you to make healthy choices in your life and in what you eat for yourself and for your children.
I began to learn about herbs and re-open my nutrition books. The internet was still a baby back then but I also began to write some of my finding up into health articles for a friend that was writing for a blog. One thing led to another and I met the practitioner I work with today – Evelyn Hammon. I was fascinated at what she does for people and through her and many additional resources to learn more and more about natural solutions for health.
(If you want to get to know Evelyn Hammon RN here is a video that will introduce her and what she does to you)
Over this past year of writing to you, my journey has continued to grow and change myself. I realized even for myself that I need to “get healthy” in mind and body. Tuning into you and the people around me has helped me grow so much. I am not sure if it is an age thing or what but I want to find a way to give back in this world more.
As a nurse, I have had this growing desire to help customers with more than just what supplements, herbs & vitamins they need but a whole lifestyle of making better choices for health from what we eat to what we put on our skin to the company we keep.
Another passion of mine has been to help other practitioners (like Evelyn) that are about things that are natural. I work with a Natural Pathic Doc – Dr. Jerry Petermann and help him with various things like website stuff, marketing stuff, FDA compliant labeling, etc… but wondered how can I help you my customer and natural practitioners as the same time? I realized something – I like being the “nurse”, I want to help natural practitioners – be the bridge between them and their customers. My goal is NOT to be a practitioner but a bridge between the client and the practitioner. Just as in traditional nursing, nurses do a lot of education to the clients – I want to fill that role so that practitioners can do what they do best for you.
This podcast is to give practitioners a platform to share health tips with people that are on a journey to better health with natural solutions. Whatever that is, whatever it may look like.
That is when we came up with this podcast idea. Ask Nurse Mary Podcast will be a podcast that interviews natural practitioners and a few customers that have had amazing results from using natural solutions for themselves or their family members. Many natural practitioners are also small business owners so because that is another thing I am passionate about we will probably bring a few of those thoughts and hurdles to the discussion as well.
I hope this explains a few things and has been helpful in your day.
Here is a list and explanation of our different social media locations:
Powerline Health – fb page –
Ask Nurse Mary – fb group – a private group for discussion of all things natural.
Ask Nurse Mary – fb page – will have podcast episodes and other info
Essentially YOURS – fb group – mostly about essential oils. Lots of recipes etc…
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