Did you know you have more Lymph fluid in your body than blood?

We have put together a collection of Essential Oils that work to cleanse and detox your lymph glands over time. Roll Lymph Cleanse under your arms each day after your shower while your pores are open and allow your body to be nourished.
You can also roll it on the lymph glands in other areas of your body throughout the day. The bend of the arm or behind the knee easy to get to places if you want to treat them more than once a day.
Another important thing to do for your body and the health of your lymph system is to get rid of aluminum-based deodorants. Mineral Salts Deodorant are a great substitute that work well and are not harmful to the body.
What is the lymph system?
Some simple facts from the American Cancer Society (2)

Our bodies have a network of lymph vessels and lymph nodes. (Lymph is pronounced limf.) This network is a part of the body’s immune system. It collects fluid, waste material, and other things (like viruses and bacteria) that are in the body tissues, outside the bloodstream.
Lymph vessels are a lot like the veins that collect and carry blood through the body. But instead of carrying blood, these vessels carry the clear watery fluid called lymph.
Lymph fluid flows out from capillary walls to bathe the body’s tissue cells. It carries oxygen and other nutrients to the cells, and carries away waste products like carbon dioxide (CO2) that flow out of the cells. Lymph fluid also contains white blood cells, which help fight infections.
Lymph fluid would build up and cause swelling if it were not drained in some way. That’s the role of the lymph vessels. Lymph vessels draw up the lymph fluid from around the cells to send it towards the chest. There, lymph fluid collects into a large vessel that drains into a blood vessel near the heart.
Lymph nodes and what they do
Lymph vessels route lymph fluid through nodes throughout the body. Lymph nodes are small structures that work as filters for harmful substances. They contain immune cells that can help fight infection by attacking and destroying germs that are carried in through the lymph fluid. (2)
People that are cleansing there lymph glands each day are reporting a decrease in inflammation-related illness, soreness, allergies, weight gain, fluid retention and much more.
Rejuvenate Your Lymphatic Glands with an Exfoliating Brush
Did you know we have more lymphatic fluids in our body than blood?
Yup! And the Lymphatic system is extremely important in protecting our body from harmful elements in the environment.
The lymphatics don’t have a system that moves the fluid like the veins, the movement we get in the lymphatics system is moved by us. We have to walk, run, jump or otherwise actively stimulate our lymphatic system.
What is the Lymphatic System?
- By definition – The lymphatic system is a network of tissues and organs that help rid the body of toxins, waste and other unwanted materials. The primary function of the lymphatic system is to transport lymph, a fluid containing infection-fighting white blood cells throughout the body. The vessels are connected to lymph nodes, where the lymph is filtered. The tonsils, adenoids, spleen and thymus are all part of the lymphatic system. (1)

Lumps and bumps in the lymphatics can be things that your body is protecting you from.
Lymphatic massage or even something as simple as dry body brushing or dry cellulite brushing is a great way to stimulate the lymph nodes and help them to function normally.
Here is a YouTube video about Dry Skin Body Brushing
that you may find helpful.
As with any form of detox you are doing with your body, it is very important to drink lots of clean water when you are moving lymphatic fluids. Drinking water is the best way to rid your body of the toxins as you move them, to avoid the possibility of illnesses that can be caused as you move toxins around.
These Lymphatic Exfoliating brushes do a great job at stimulating your Lymphatic system.
Dry Skin Body Brush – Improves Skin’s Health And Beauty – Natural Bristle – Remove Dead Skin And Toxins, Cellulite Treatment, Improves Lymphatic Functions, Exfoliates, Stimulates Blood Circulation
Support Socks can help with venous return. They don’t have to be really tight just gentle support. Here are some simple black ones that might work well. Choose your size and color based on the measurement of the calf of your leg.
I hope this has been helpful in your day! Subscribe below for our free give-a-way “5 Health Hacks YOU Need to Feel Better Fast.”
Until Next time – Be Well!